Sponsored by Northridge & Willows

All mothers in our extended community are welcome to join

What is CanaVox?

CanaVox is a cheerful marriage movement that offers reading groups to friends who support the historic understanding of marriage.

CanaVox brings people face to face to engage in the art of conversation with others, to explore the various issues affecting the marriage culture in a calm, thoughtful setting, free from the hostilities often found in today’s public discourse.

Who can join?

Mothers at Northridge, Willows, Embers and the broader community of schools (Kingswood, East Lake) and friends of our community. Any mother in our extended community is welcome to join. Space may be limited (see below).

More Information

Who is organizing this?

The Northridge Mother's Club and others at Willows Academy are organizing CanaVox reading groups for mothers.

When and where would we meet?

The reading groups will meet about once a month, in the evening. We'll have two, possibly more, groups going. They'll likely meet in the homes of the moderators, in the vicinity of Park Ridge, Glenview, and Des Plaines. The discussion evening will last about an hour and a half.

What is the commitment?

Duration. Each group will meet monthly outside of December and any months mutually agreed upon (likely in the summer). We expect the group to last for about 2 years. You don't have to attend every single month - life happens! - but should join only if you're committed to making most of them. Two years sounds like a lot, but there is SO MUCH to discuss, and CanaVox finds that once you get going, you'll really enjoy it and realize how much there is to discuss - and that two years is about right.

Preparation. Before each meeting, there will be short articles and/or videos to watch. It'll take about 30 minutes to get through them. So, some prep required, and you should do it, but it's not much. You can see the reading and prep materials at the CanaVox website here.

Is space limited?

Probably. If space becomes limited, priority will be given first to mothers at Northridge & Willows - and then we'll work to create more groups.

Why just for Mothers?

We want to support the mothers of our students. CanaVox provides a great model that allows ease in openly sharing and discussing what can be sensitive and personal subjects. Although CanaVox itself is for both men and women, we wanted to use this unique opportunity initially to gather mothers together in a comfortable and friendly format. Northridge is exploring a series of lectures/discussions on similar topics for fathers in the near future.

What if I'm not sure about joining, but want to learn more?

No problem. Express your interest by filling out the "Register Your Interest" form below. We'll then get in touch with you to see what group would make sense.

Other questions?

Feel free to contact us.

At Northridge: Angela Flood, aflood8783@gmail.com

At Willows: Maura Spingola, mspingola@chapmanspingola.com

At Embers: Julene Barder, jhbarder@yahoo.com

Interested? Want to join?

Fill out the "Register your Interest" form, and we'll be in touch